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Our company newly developed intelligent type 7280 rotary screen printing machine through the scientific and technological achievements appraisal of China textile industry association


On May 11, 2017, cooperation of our company and Xi 'an engineering university "7280 new intelligent multi-purpose rotary screen printing machine project", has carried on the appraisal of scientific and technological achievements organized and presided over by China textile industry association.

Appraisal committee by former minister of China textile industry association of science and technology development

department, professor rank senior engineer Li Jinbao, and vice President of China textile machinery association, professor

rank senior engineers Li Yi, Donghua university professor MAO Zhi-ping, senior engineers, deputy secretary-general of China

printing and dyeing association professor rank senior engineers Lin Lin and seven experts. Appraising meeting was presided

over by China textile industry association of scienceand technology development department director Feng Li.

Appraising meeting has listened to xi 'an engineering university professor lee's report on the work of the project, our company general manager Chu JianAn technical report of the project, then carried out on the spot investigation and inquiry, the panel discussion agree that innovative project developed a new type of open arbitrary variable repeat printing units, precision lift up and down printing unit, magnetic and squeegee dual purpose printing unit and intelligent remote communication, servo high precision synchronous control system and etc., among them, the variable and arbitrary repeat and control technology belongs to first international invention, break through rotary screen printing repeat limit, improved the production flexibility. Overall project technology reached the international advanced level, among them, the variable and arbitrary repeat device and the control technology reached the international leading level.